About Me
- Ai
- Jakarta, Indonesia
- 1984 . capricorn . easily amused yet moody . proud to be indonesian . procrastinator big time . a nerd, yes i am . family comes first . lucky for having the bestest bestfriends :)
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Written down by Ai at 3:45:00 PM 0 lovess
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
apa2an nih???
hari begini nih yg selalu pengen gw jauhin...
hari2 dimana saya sangatlah tidak sadarkan diri...
mau ngelakuin ini kayaknya salah, apalagi ngelakuin itu...
trus jadi gak semangat ngapa2in...
senyum sih senyum... ketawa jg tetep jalan...
cman rasanya ada yg ngeganjel gt di hati *halah bahasanya*
dan ini semua gara2... JENG JENG... *note: bukan gara2 jeng2.. itu cman tambahan biar makin horray getoh.. lagian apa pula itu jeng2*
gara2... ENG ING ENG... *note: bukan gara2 eng ing eng jg kok.. dan saya tau yg baca pasti rasanya ingin nendang gw layaknya bola yg lge dielu2kan di world cup ini, bukan begitu bukan?*
ini semua gara2.... HAAAAAA biarlah saya simpan di dalam hati dulu... sumpah deh sumpah rasanya pengen nangis... pengen ngeluarin semua nya... tapi kalo dipikir2 kok rasanya gembel banget kl diceritain... norak banget maxudnya... gak penting buat dipikirin tp kepikiran... gimana inih?? saya tau tak ada yg bisa ngebantu since gw belom cerita apa2... mwahahahahahaha... dan ngapain juga gw tulis2 dsini?? biarin lah... biar penonton penasaran *enggak ya?? huuuuuu*
hiks hiks hiks... well how could you do this to me?? sengaja bikin gw keliatan kayak orang tolol ya?? ???*apa emang tolol beneran gw??* kalo begitu mah dr awal jgn gtu ngapaaaaaaaaaa... huhuhuhu saya tidak mau iniiiiii... jadi pengen pulang... pengen nangis... tapi gak bisa... ketahan di tenggorokan... tapi pengen banget nangis... knp sih gw... aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dasar edan!! ngomong sendiri pula... T_T
yah last words buat post ini deh: usai sudah!
Written down by Ai at 7:56:00 PM 1 lovess
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Friday, April 21, 2006
Written down by Ai at 10:01:00 AM 0 lovess
Wednesday, April 5, 2006
Monday, April 3, 2006
april mop, hey!
Written down by Ai at 10:47:00 AM 1 lovess
Sunday, April 2, 2006
no more dramas
no more plays
no more what-eva
coz i've seen too much
here and there
around me
as if i'm the cameraman
taping all events that's happening
good or bad
happy or sad
warmness or coldness
or even sometimes
being the actress herself
protagonist or antagonist
i can perform both
but there are times
i feel like being the director
so when i've had enough of something
i'll simply scream
and that's it
that's how it all goes on and on and on
or maybe being cameraman isn't that bad
at all
coz being an actress
is something i've been passing up
Written down by Ai at 3:12:00 PM 0 lovess
Saturday, April 1, 2006
Thursday, March 30, 2006
so who's this guy anyway?
Written down by Ai at 9:17:00 PM 0 lovess
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Written down by Ai at 12:35:00 PM
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
new means not old
Written down by Ai at 4:34:00 PM 2 lovess
Monday, March 27, 2006
Sunday, March 26, 2006
love and affair
i wanna take the library as my boyfriend.
we can have fun reading books.
or simply spend time together.
we'll be flawlessly perfect for each other.
it's fair enough.
and i wanna make my own room my affair.
we can have a good time w/out 'him' to know.
sounds bad? or weirdo? or pathetic?
say as you please.
uh yeah!
it's gonna be the most romantic semester ever.
can't hardly wait.
but sssttt . . . it's a secret.
*wink wink*
Written down by Ai at 8:36:00 AM 2 lovess
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Friday, March 24, 2006
selamat ulang tahun
for my :
dear daddy
may ALLAH BLESS always
much love from us, mom-ai-anggoro
Written down by Ai at 7:25:00 AM 0 lovess
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Written down by Ai at 6:48:00 AM 0 lovess
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
that's what they say. crap.
gak bisa tenang nih.
jadi tegang!
sutralah bo! susah sendiri jadinya.
tapi gmana dong?
can't get it out of my mind. not a single second.
bwalalalalalakakakakakaka [gaya baru tertawa ala elbebih+aibebih tp lebih ke elbebih]
itu knp penjelasannya panjang ye?
apa sih gw jadi aneh gini. ToT
Written down by Ai at 7:49:00 AM 0 lovess
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
crazy as it is
Written down by Ai at 10:46:00 AM 8 lovess
Monday, March 20, 2006
not a hundred percent
Written down by Ai at 6:38:00 AM 0 lovess
Thursday, March 16, 2006
akhirnya malah naek yg.. yaaaaahhh gt d... hahahahahhaa... nonton show sih lucuuuu... si tisya sepertinya jatuh cintaaaa sama mas ungu.. hahahahahahaha... seneng gt die putu2... emang ganteng sih mas!! ampe tiap ada parade qta deketin.. berharap2 cemas ada mas ungu.. gembel... trus naek mark twain kapal dah pokoknya.. sedih yeee.. bayar mahal2 cman muter2 naek kapal... ke haunted mansion sih.. pake fastpass.. kl enggak mah rugiiii! antri 90 menit cman buat ditakut2in.. ih nehi ye bo! rugi bgt... trus ke buzzlightyear pake fastpass juga... soalnya standby itu antrinya 150 menit.. hahahahahah nunggu lebaran 5 kali baru bisa masuuuk... sediiiiii... harusnya sih ambil fastpassnya buat ke space mountain ama splash mountain yaaaa... tp saya stupid majority... ngikutin kmana arah angin membawa laaah... aheuhauehauehauea....
trus naek apa tour gt.. yg ke luar angkasa.. ya tolooooong... eneg gila! mampus dah... untung gw ga makan banyak.. kl iya udah menggelinding smua tuh makanan di perut gw.. di usus gw.. dimanapun mrk berada alias puke.. ato throw up.. yah apapun dah... ke microadventure seru juga sih mayan.. gw udah siap2 dr awal angkat kaki... gak kuat ama efek2 "tikus"nya.. geli nya ampun deh... cukup sekali waktu itu merasakan dan jantungan.... trus ngeliat ulernya jg cukup sekali.. horror.. depan muka gede bgt... tp orang emang bodoh yah.. mao aje ditipu begituan.. trus abis itu ketawa2... tapi jelas kan saya orangnya easily amused?? hehehehehehehe.. ditipu aje seneng.. gilingan.. tapi.. mrk jg menipu saya cara make kacamata 3Dnya.. knp sih gw gampang ditipu???! huh... au ah.. gak penting...
oh iyah.. td gw nyoba iseng ganti template blog.. trus ancur... tapi.. bibi membantu sayah mengembalikan archives.. trima kasih bibi... mwah mwah!!
kaki gw pegel2.. jalan seharian di disney selaen WOW seneng juga WOW mampus.. capek.. heheheheheheh anyhow, SAYA SENANG... in spite rame nya orang2 ituh!! padahal kan hari sekolah.. hari kerjaa... apa sih kalian??? kami ini yg libur gak dikasih kesempatan seneng2 di disney!! huuuuuuuh awas!! [kok marah??] hehehehehhe yasuuuuud... mo bobo!! oyasumiiii...
Written down by Ai at 8:37:00 PM 0 lovess
Monday, March 13, 2006
for my cutest adorablest greatest bestfriend, menoedh!
Written down by Ai at 3:06:00 PM 1 lovess
what a b-e-a-utiful day
Written down by Ai at 2:35:00 PM 2 lovess
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Saturday, March 11, 2006
cute, cuddly, and horribly wrong
Written down by Ai at 10:20:00 PM 0 lovess
Friday, March 10, 2006
kenapa kenapa kenapa???
Written down by Ai at 10:22:00 AM 0 lovess
Wednesday, March 8, 2006
. you tell me .
Your Personality Profile |
A seeker of harmony, you are a natural peacemaker.You are good natured and people enjoy your company.You put people at ease and make them feel at home with you. |
true? now you tell me.
Written down by Ai at 12:57:00 PM 0 lovess
| job-less |
Written down by Ai at 9:33:00 AM 0 lovess
:: for my sweetest friend, silvia ::
Written down by Ai at 9:29:00 AM 0 lovess
Sunday, March 5, 2006
[ to my beloved dearest bestfriend, rinan ]
- from tokyo with love, ai dong ah-
Written down by Ai at 10:51:00 AM 2 lovess
Saturday, March 4, 2006
/ where are you? /
Written down by Ai at 7:14:00 PM 1 lovess
Thursday, March 2, 2006
. 25 .
1. The colour that you hate most? used to be pink
2. The colour that you like most? of course green undoubtedly
3. The person that you love most? them
4. The person that you hate most? who keeps lying
5. The drink that you like most? mineral water + caffe latte
6. The activity that you hate most? i dunno why but i always yawn when reading books LOL
7. The past time that you like most? spent new years together with my fams i really miss those
8. The thing that you like most? laptop with episode 19 on it
9. The food that you like most? nasu phew hard to say no to
10. The drink that you hate most? hot drink
11. The past time that you hate most? dont even want to remember
12. The song that you like most? too many to mention
13. The friend that you love most? whuah ada juni, minut, irma, inan, windy, arum, elbeb, mitata, icha, tephen, bunpo, erlyn, silvi, dessy, ichan, ilma, elok, baby, alisha, rey, dessy s, and the rest
14. The movie that you like most? the mighty ducks
15. The friend that you hate most? that person over there =P
16. The movie that you hate most? "cheap" horror movies
17. The friend that you like most to sharing? bibi-kuwh sayang
18. The food that you hate most? macha
19. The song style that you hate most? heavy metal [i cant enjoy it]
20. Type of girlfriend/boyfriend that you like most? type like my tall-handsome-smart-cold-east asian prince charming
21. Type of people that you hate most? did i just answer that? no? i did. person who keep lying
22. Country that you like most? indonesia
23. Friend that you like most to hanging out? in beppu: rokughettoz + jagaricoz, in jakarta: fresh friday
24. Country that you hate most? indonesia i hate you but i love you
25. Friend that you hate most to hanging out? jaim. just leave all you pride behind. LOL. [padahal saya sering jaim. masa????]
Written down by Ai at 7:05:00 PM 0 lovess
Wednesday, March 1, 2006
| akibat kebosanan tingkat tinggi |
Written down by Ai at 8:04:00 PM 0 lovess
[ best thing ]
Written down by Ai at 5:58:00 PM 0 lovess
Saturday, February 25, 2006
[ firsts and lasts ]
Written down by Ai at 5:00:00 PM 0 lovess
| hik hik |
Written down by Ai at 1:13:00 PM 0 lovess
Thursday, February 23, 2006
. i feel stupid .
Written down by Ai at 4:30:00 PM 0 lovess
Monday, February 20, 2006
/ jomblo /
. hanya saya dan komputer tercintah yang selalu setia menemani kesendirianku .
Written down by Ai at 6:56:00 PM 0 lovess
Friday, February 17, 2006
[la la la]
Written down by Ai at 6:17:00 PM 0 lovess
Thursday, February 16, 2006
. start dancing and you'll smile .
Written down by Ai at 5:14:00 PM 0 lovess
Monday, February 13, 2006
| music of my heart |
Written down by Ai at 10:56:00 PM 0 lovess
. . . zutto ikite . . .
hontou. atashi ga kono you na dorama wo hajimete mita, ichi ritoru no namida. eigo de '1 litre of tears'. saisho wa futsuu no kanashii dorama mitai to omotta. demo ne, zenzen chigatta. doko ka chigau tokoro wakannai kedo, nanka chigau. ehem. kore kara eigo de kaku. i heard about this dorama from my cousin. when he told me about it, i just thought "aaaahhh.. another sad story ne!" i wasn't that interested because i was watching dorama 'Kimi Wa Petto' and it's so freaking funny. then as i finished watching kimi wa petto, the next day i was thinking of watching this series. and i began. big mistake?
1st episode was fine. it was starting to be a sad story but i could handle it tho'. as i watched another episodes, tissue became my loyal "friend". douzo laugh, call me being too sentimentil or a cry-baby but i cried. hehehehe. okay the story is basically about a 15 year-old girl suffered from incurable disease. sounds like the story-next-door? i know. maybe 1 thing that makes this series special is the 'based on true story' thingy. we can really feel her happiness when she was accepted in high ranking high school and met her crush in junior high school. we can feel her anxiety when she knew something was wrong inside her body. we can see how she struggled alone. how the eyes kept staring when she walked strangely.
i cried before when i watched sad movies but i never cried this much and it was tiring to finish all episodes. right from the moment she was a normal girl until she couldn't walk, couldn't talk, couldn't write and even couldn't swallow properly. taihen da! but luckily she got her family. her friends. and her [what should i call him] boy friend? she got this diary she wrote everyday and some of her phrases are catchy. for instance "okaasan, kono byouki wa nande atashi wo eranda?" is it fate? coz it's unfair. it makes me think how ungrateful people, including me, of their health. smokes, drugs, beers, suicidal, what are these for anyway? we are lucky and we should aware of that. we're not thanking GOD enough.
then "okaasan, atashi wa kekkon dekiru?" . future. it makes me think again how married people, excluding me hehehe, ungrateful with their marriage life. i know humans are greedy. that's what he said in one of the episodes. that's natural, right? but sometimes it's just too much. funny isn't it? how person's life can be totally different from others. that's life anyway. when some people are struggling with their lives, trying to keep on living, some others are ruining it, trying to stop it. gosh. that's totally life.
Written down by Ai at 1:07:00 PM 0 lovess
Friday, February 10, 2006
this time i shall introduce my valuable vegetables to you. just call us 'fresh friday'. i don't know when and how we got this name but surely i luv it and unquestionably i luv them all.
juni a.k.a lou is the fairiest of all. lol. she has fair skin that's why we call her lou from lobak or turnip in english. she's calm even sometimes can be retarded, too. wanna please her? WoW is an excellent option. her sleepy attitude during the class can tickles you.
menoedh's a.k.a tom's face can turn red when she feel embarrassed thus we call her tomato. she's tough yet sensitive. can't say no to linkin park, n sync, and anime especially kenshin and fruit basket. don't be surprise when she sends you an sms but actually it's not for you. that's her.
irma a.k.a lee will make you laugh with her 'one-sided' things that she does. maybe she's the craziest among us but also the most creative vegetable i've ever known in my whole life. she's the one who got an idea to earn money.
simply call them splendid. wonderful. terrific. i truly will cherish them. my amazing vegetables.
Written down by Ai at 5:02:00 PM 0 lovess
Wednesday, February 8, 2006
| to love and not to love |
have you ever loved someone so much that you would die for him/her? how does it feel when the one you love does not love you back? it hurts.
how about vice-versa? someone loves you so much that he/she would die for you but you don't love him/her back. it hurts as well. am i right? i know how it feels. how it feels when he walks through me and takes my breath away but i can do nothing about it. how it feels when he sees me and i see him and that's it. how it feels to see him right through his very eyes but knowing the fact that they're not mine [oh crap!]. here's a good quote i got from some website: love is just a word till someone you meet gives it a meaning. true. maybe it's not yet the right time but i'm sure somewhere somehow there is one perfect person for every one. remember, GOD creates every human being with a partner. and what is the difference between love and like? in front of the person you love, your heart beats faster. but in front of the person you like, you get happy. i know i like them and i want to be with them in good times and in bad times. but i love him and i want him to be happy no matter what. i love his good sides and even his bad sides.
sometimes it hurts when you know the truth that he does not feel they way that i do. but then i think again. what if we are in the same position? he loves someone but she does not. then we're even. and i think again. it is good loving someone because to love is not to receive but to give. and it is also good being in love. maybe not by him. but the love from family. bestfriends. friends. by anyone under the sun. because you know they love you. then i don't worry anymore about loving someone who does not love me back. and last but not least simply because love will not hurt you. if it hurts you then it is NOT love.
. just me who being sentimentil because of love [lol] .
Written down by Ai at 7:31:00 AM 2 lovess
Tuesday, February 7, 2006
[you know you've been in japan too long when]
...you answer "hai!" even when speaking English to non-Japanese friends.
..."Ohio" no longer means the state.
...you can name all the members of SMAP.
...your noodle slurping can rattle the windows next door.
...you can fall asleep on the train and wake up at your stop.
...you know your birthdate by the Japanese imperial calendar.
...you can't remember saying 6 bucks was too much to see a movie.
...you can recognize your stop when the train announcer says it.
...you can recognize anything besides your stop when the train announcer says it.
...you walk into a room with chairs and choose to sit on the floor.
...you believe no party is complete without a trip to the karaoke box.
...you answer the phone and freeze in indecision between saying "hello" or "moshi moshi."
...you choose "moshi moshi."
...you mutter "yoshi!" when lifting heavy objects.
...at 5'4"....you feel tall!
...you can buy a train ticket anywhere in under 30 seconds.
Written down by Ai at 4:10:00 PM 0 lovess
\ addicted to \
You might be addicted to Mafia Boss when:
1. You wake up sweating from a nightmare and all you can remember from it is that your defeenses got wiped out and they stole your planes.
2. You measure how long you slept by how many turns you have accumulated
3. Your signifigant other hates the game, not because of the game but because you only have one computer and they cn't play.
4. You run back to your office after a meeting and cuss out your boss because he made you miss that $45million attack and now that mafioso has defenses again.
5. You check your family board every time a message pops up but can't remember the last time you checked your email.
6. You know the allies and enemies of other families without having to double check.
7. You have asked Ringmistress out, fully knowing she is 1000 miles from you. (So when ya gonna come see me Mistress?)
8. You can judge accurately how much money a supporter has spent by how many operatives he/she has.
9. You miss a free movie with friends because your family is at war and youre worried you might get attacked.
10. You completely understand the algorithms involved in the game and can accurately predict the outcome of an attack before you commit to it.
Written down by Ai at 12:28:00 PM 0 lovess
Monday, February 6, 2006
. tokyo .
it's holiday time and holiday time equals to diet time. LOL. my mom really supports me. hahahahaha i know i know. i should've done it long time ago. but i dunno why i think i must do it properly this time [blushing]. hope i REALLY do it tho'.
oh yeah before i went back to tokyo my friends and i went to karaoke [again] but this time was girls' night out! yay! only me. inan. windy. and arum. then elbebih called me. she was with vidya rama dana. 2 hours of singing [oh no. don't think about my voice. it's horrible.] was enough for me. so vidya rama and i decided to go home early whilst arum inan elbebih dana continued. windy had already gone home because she was still had long trip to take. hehehehehe. before went straight home, we went to Boo rental to return dvds that we [mitata. arum. inan. me] borrowed. and they charged me 3000 yen for late returning. d'oh! bimbo ni natta ne! hehehehehe. then the 3 of us [vidya rama me] went to my home for little chat and chocolate royce. actually it wasn't chat but more like made fun of something. hehehehehe. not gonna say it here. will be offense for some people.
the next morning, i had to get up early to catch a bus to oita airport. but still i was late for about 5 minutes coz i saw the bus running in front of my face. damn! then i have to wait for about 30 minutes. huhuhuhuhu so damn cold. i received an email from inan. she said something about someone. okay i was embarrased. still wished what she said was true. HAHAHAHAHAHA [blushing] what am i talking about anyway?? and now i'm sitting here. feeling happy for holiday yet anxious since i still haven't got my newest grades. hope i'm doing good this time. at least better than before.
oh my GOD i'm already missing my friends [and someone hohoho]. still long time to spend before school starts. huhuhuhuhuhu. oh well gonna enjoy myself here. yosh! ganbare for the holiday! new semester new me! arum. mitata. GANBAREEEE! LOL. hehehehehehehe.
Written down by Ai at 5:20:00 PM 2 lovess
Wednesday, February 1, 2006
~ graduation ~
what is the most interesting about graduation party? is it the "atmosphere" of togetherness? or is it because of food? maybe yes. maybe no. we just had graduation party for seniors in Spa Beach Matogahama Koen. well it was not just about graduation but also farewell party for exchange students [in spite of the fact that none of them was there, oh there was one person, wim, and actually he is not an exchange student] and for APUIna's website launching. and for giving the "Sayembara Logo" winner the presents as well.
we really had a great time. or at least i had great time. especially for the games. ah well even though we didn't win but it doesn't matter, does it? give a big applause for ima and erlyn. and there was FOOD! ah everyone's favourite. undoubtedly oishikatta! of course! coz it was from Bu Lita. thank you soo much Bu Lita. actually thank you very very much guys for coming today. we had good time, didn't we? and then... we went to karaoke. that was something. hehehehehehehe in short once again. i had fun. after the crazy exams week. woo hoo. and it's time to go home. go back meeting my parents. and my lil brother. really really miss them lots. just few more days. hehehehehehehe.
yesterday inan. mitata. windy. and me watched youtube.com. the next of american idol. LOL. it reallt tickled me. and i wonder. some twins participated. and most of them [maybe all] got really nice voices. lucky for them they both got it. just bring it on, guys. hehehehehehehe. actually i need to get some action to clean up my room but i'm still too lazy. maybe tomorrow i'll start it. maybe just maybe. well guys i gtg now. gotta check this dvd i borrowed from my friend. hehehehehe corpse bride. go on laugh but i don't give a damn. hehehehehe. cya~~~!
Written down by Ai at 8:47:00 PM 2 lovess
Sunday, January 29, 2006
/ sway /
When marimba rhythms start to play
Dance with me, make me sway
Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore
Hold me close, sway me more
Like a flower bending in the breeze
Bend with me, sway with ease
When we dance you have a way with me
Stay with me, sway with me
Other dancers may be on the floor (Be on the floor...)
Dear, but my eyes will see only you (See only you...)
Only you have that (Oooo...) magic technique.
When we sway I go weak (I go so weak)
I can hear the sounds of violins
Long before it begins (It begins...)
Make me thrill as only you know how (You know how...)
Sway me smooth, sway me now
Mi amor.
Sway me, make me (Hey yeah.)
Thrill me, hold me (Hold...)
Bend me, ease me
You have a way with me (Me...!)
Hey yea.
Sway Me.
Ba ba ba da da, Ba ba ba da da, Ba ba da da,
Ba ba ba da da, Ba ba ba da da, ba da ba da ba.
Other dancers may be on the floor
Dear, but my eyes will see only you
Only you have that magic technique
When we sway I go weak
I go weak
I can hear the sounds of violins
Long before it begins
Make me thrill as only you know how (You know how...)
Sway me smooth, sway me now
Make me thrill as only you know how (Come and sway me)
Sway me smooth (Ah!), sway me now (Come and sway me baby come and sway me)
Make me thrill as only you know how (Ah!)
Sway me smooth (Uh huh, uh huh), sway me now
Sway me
Sway me
Sway me now
Written down by Ai at 11:14:00 AM 0 lovess
Saturday, January 28, 2006
[ kimatsu shiken ]
counting down. next week we're having final exam or in japanese, kimatsu shiken [desyou? hehehe] i can see the faces. faces of fear and worried and stressed. coz maybe i have it too in my own face. today i had 3 classes. management accounting. japanese. seminar accounting. [gosh, i've had enough of accounting] the most interesting class was japanese. nazenara, coz we had JLPT. japanese language proficiency test. it's like TOEFL for english. and why it was interesting? BECAUSE without looking properly to the questions, i could answer them all. okay it's not joking i couldn't do it. hehehehe well guess lots of my friends couldn't do it either. except the ones who are taking japanese base and STILL taking japanese courses. i know. lots of reasons as well. i heard from inan that one of her classmates is taking this japanese class for improving his kanji. d'OH! hehehehehe yeah well. we're different i know. some of them are half japanese. and some of them have been learning japanese for years. no wonder, huh?? but korekara i MUST ganbarou as well! YOSH!
and today in seminar class we talked about live door. and the professor told us about his "astonishing" experience with the japan police. he's so damn funny. okay maybe he looks scary. i had that first impression also. but since i take his seminar class, i know that he's okay. even he's the best accounting teacher in my university. [from the fact that we only have 2 accounting teachers and the other one is..... i dunno how to say it. so let's just shut up for now hehehe] it's not just my subjective point of view. ask my friends. most of them [maybe all of them] think the same, too. i think the other prof and us, the students, should learn accounting together with my seminar class' prof. well okay enough story about classes, especially accounting.
oh about japanese class, i'm SO afraid of failing the class. oh GOD. really. i'm the stupidest in my class. [crying] i'm not lying coz i'm sure of that. no matter how hard i study, i just don't fit in. and now i just can ganbarou in my interview and final exam. [FYI, the final exam will be a lecture in japanese and later we have to answer questions] do you realize how many "answer" and "questions" words i already used just now? what's up with them anyway? ah well. it's time to take a bath and then sleep, oh i mean study. study HARD! wish me luck. and wish you good luck. mwah!!!
Written down by Ai at 12:21:00 AM 2 lovess
. . tanda - tanda obesitas . .
1. Jika Anda sudah menikah dan cincin pernikahan mulai sulit dilepaskan dari jari manis Anda.
2. Saat tujuh belas Agustusan, Anda menjadi peserta yang dicari-cari untuk bagian paling belakang di perlombaan tarik tambang antar RT.
3. Teman kerja Anda mulai menyarankan agar Anda menggunakan tangga, dan bukan lift.
4. Sepatu Anda kekecilan semua dan Nike Air Anda kempes.
5. Setiap Anda naik angkutan umum, kenek meminta ongkos untuk dua orang.
6. Anda harus jongkok dan mengambil ancang-ancang dulu sebelum melompat.
7. Saat Anda mencoba timbangan koin elektronis, ia berkata agar naik ketimbangannya satu-satu, jangan duaan atau lebih.
8. Setiap Anda melompat masuk kolam renang, terjadi ombak lokal yang cukup dahsyat.
9. Anda terpaksa beli ikat pinggang baru karena kehabisan tempat untuk bikin lubang lagi.
10.Satu-satunya cara agar Anda bisa menghemat biaya makan di luar adalah dengan mendatangi restoran all- you-can-eat.
11.Dokter internis Anda menyarankan untuk menurunkan berat badan, demi kesehatan Anda.
1. Cincin pernikahan sudah tak bisa dilepaskan dari jari kelingking Anda, kecuali dengan las atau amputasi.
2. Begitu mengetahui Anda juga mengikuti lomba makan kerupuk, semua peserta lain mengundurkan diri.
3. Alarm lift yang Anda naiki protes keberatan, padahal Anda sendirian.
4. Anda lupa nomor sepatu Anda karena sudah lebih dari setahun tidak bisa melihat kaki sendiri. Anda bahkan tidak yakin sudah mengenakan sepatu atau belum.
5. Saat Anda bergerak menuju angkutan umum kosong yang sedang ngetem, mobilnya malah kabur.
6. Setiap Anda mengambil ancang-ancang mau melompat, semua orang di sekitar langsung tiarap.
7. Saat Anda mencoba timbangan koin elektronis, uang Anda dimuntahkan.
8. Pengurus kolam renang langganan Anda menyesuaikan jadwal menguras kolam dengan kedatangan Anda.
9. Penjual ikat pinggang mulai menawarkan tali tambang.
10.Anda mau memasuki restoran all-you-can-eat dan tempatnya langsung tutup.
11.Bahkan dokter Anda pun menyarankan untuk menurunkan berat badan, demi keselamatan dunia.
Written down by Ai at 12:19:00 AM 0 lovess
| extraordinary |
how does it feel to be extraordinary? nice, eh? that's what i think. that's what i think when i watch X-Men, Fantastic Four, and recently The League of the Extraordinary Gentlemen. having superpower might be cool, i guess but yeah well i'm not quite sure about that coz i'm just a normal girl who spends her life normally. hehehehe. it's already 14:20 and i'm still here. throwing my life away. killing time. wasting time. you name it.
oh btw, recently i play the game online www.themafiaboss.com god it's totally cool. you're playing the boss of the mafia gang n trying to be the best. you've got whores, bodyguards, thugs, card dealers, and so on. spending your money on alcohol, weed, coke, guns, cars [S Limo for God's sake] and the most interesting part is your own jet and planes! hahahaha what a life! you also can attact other mafiosos and steal their stuffs. but then. i got frozen. they said i was cheating of having 2 accounts. LOL. i only have 1 ya know. the heck. then i lost my "appetite" in playing that game. hope it'll end soon coz i had so much fun back then.very well my friends. i gotta go now. kinda feeling hungry. so long. mwah~~
Written down by Ai at 12:18:00 AM 0 lovess
. . . once upon a time . . .
in a small town called beppu. never heard of it? neither did i. until i decided to spend my next 4 years in a international campus in the middle of nowhere. why nowhere? because it is in the top of the mountain. i mean for real. literally. i was shocked. and maybe my friends felt the same like i did. exactly the same. no life. hell boring. yeah i know the feeling. i was like a little brat who lost her way in a whole new world. but then... i met them, the ones who i call friends who soon became my bestfriends. with them i can laugh. i can cry. i can be myself. oasis in the desert. that's what i call them. i admit i need them to be my friends. in good times. in bad times. all the times. and then again... i realize...
my time here slowly passed away. in 2 year-time (amin) i will graduate. and sadly, i will separate with them. i know sooner or later that is gonna happen but i didn't realize it's gonna end so soon. our time together. gosh, how much i will miss you guys a lot. i know it's not like we're gonna be gone forever but still... we've been spending our times together almost 24/7 and that meant a lot. to me. sooner i will have to face a new world (again) by myself. starting from zero again. meet new people. well there is "hello" and there is "goodbye". that's life mi amigos. agree? this post i dedicate to all my friends, especially my bestbudds whom i know my whole life. you guys are the best. really really love you all! mwah! hehehehehehehe. mata aimasyou ne! (ok. it's for my friends outside japan. hehehehehe.)
Written down by Ai at 12:17:00 AM 0 lovess
. joyful . joyful .
today is sunday. what should i be doing at this very moment? yea right. doing my attractive japanezy report. crap. instead i am writing this useless yet interesting bullshit blog. more crap. bored to death. yes i am. hungry? say no more. but still there is one little thing that keeps me happy this morning. just got shoes that i've been craving since, well, not quite long time ago but the sensation of making them mine was really, you can say, enjoyable. LOL.
oh btw, last night, my girls and i [don't have to mention the names over again rite?] watched movies again. and again. and again. and still the ghiblis are on the line. we watched kill bill 2 and somewhere on the movie something was mentioned, it was 'bout an old man who liked young girls. then my girls kept on making fun of me of being pedophil. yea yea go on laugh at me. but hey it's not my fault. it's not like he's 10 years younger than me. and by the way, he's smart. he's gorgeous. and i think i'm gonna throw up right about now. LOL. guess i'm making fool of myself, eh? yet i thank GOD i still know the feeling of love. to be in love. well well well i did it again.what's up with me today??? too much dramas. should stop! oh well gotta go watch some more of ghiblis. it's haunting me. i'm addictive. damn. until next time.
Written down by Ai at 12:16:00 AM 1 lovess