hey guys,
so it's my rants on what's going on in my country nowadays.
"Apparently bowing to the mounting public pressure, the Attorney General’s Office (AGO) released on Wednesday a housewife from prison and put her under city arrest. Prita Mulyasari had been detained at Tangerang women penitentiary for three weeks after she was named a suspect for allegedly defaming Omni International Hospital after she shared her complaint about the hospital’s services via the internet."
city arrest? are you kidding me? prison? are you out of your mind?
for God's sake, she was just complaining of how bad the service of one of International Hospitals in Tangerang, a city near Jakarta, and she got arrested? the world is getting crazier day by day, eh? this news is really irritated me so bad. she just sent email (ps: not hate email) to show how disappointed she was so the hospital can IMPROVE its service in the future, yet, she was accused of insulting the hospital's reputation.
yea right, Mister, you insulted yourself by acting this way.
poor Prita. she can't even go to work since she works in Jakarta and she can't leave Tangerang. really poor her, she has 2 small children to raise.
so, we can't say anything anymore, now?
oh, i hope i won't get arrested by saying this tho o.O *w00t w00t* GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
5 lovess:
RS OMNI Iternational Alam Sutera Juga Menggugat Almarhum Pasien….
KOMPAS, Jumat, 5 Juni 2009 (halaman 25) Kasus lain juga terjadi. Akhir tahun lalu PT Sarana Meditama Metropolitan (yang mengelola RS Omni Internasional) juga melayangkan gugatan terhadap salah satu pasiennya karena alasan pembayaran tagihan. Pihak keluarga pasien belum membayar tagihan biaya perawatan karena menilai nilai tagihan tak wajar.
Pada Kamis kemarin, Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat menggelar sidang gugatan itu. Sedianya, sidang diisi dengan pembacaan putusan. Namun, Ketua Majelis Hakim Reno Listowo menunda pembacaan putusan karena terdapat pergantian hakim.
Kasus itu bermula ketika Abdullah Anggawie (almarhum) masuk ke RS Omni Medical Center (OMC), Pulo Mas, Jakarta Timur, pada 3 Mei 2007. Abdullah dirawat selama lebih kurang tiga bulan sampai akhirnya meninggal pada 5 Agustus 2007.
Saat meninggal, pihak RS mencatat masih ada tagihan sebesar Rp 427,268 juta. Total biaya perawatan selama tiga bulan mencapai Rp 552,268 juta. Pihak keluarga telah membayar uang muka Rp 125 juta sehingga tagihan tersisa Rp 427,268 juta.
Pada 24 November 2008, PT Sarana Meditama Metropolitan mengajukan gugatan kepada Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat. Gugatan dilayangkan kepada Tiem F Anggawi, PT Sinar Supra Internasional, yang berperan sebagai penjamin berdasarkan surat jaminan 28 Juni 2007, dan Joesoef Faisal yang bertindak sebagai penanggung jawab perawatan pasien Abdullah di RS.
Kuasa hukum pasien, Sri Puji Astuti, mengatakan, pihaknya sebenarnya bukan tidak bersedia membayar tagihan. Namun, pihaknya meminta RS mengeluarkan resume biaya dan rekam medis milik pasien terlebih dahulu. Namun, hingga kini rekam medis tersebut tidak diberikan.
”Sampai sekarang keluarga tidak tahu sakitnya apa. Selama tiga bulan perawatan itu pun tidak diberi tahu,” ujar Sri Puji Astuti. (silahkan klik : http://cetak.kompas.com/read/xml/2009/06/05/03230421/menkes.lapor.ke.jalur.yang.benar).
thnx for the info :) ck ck ck.. bener2 deh kebangetan, kalo gini caranya gimana Indo bisa maju ya? di kritik untuk kebaikan malah masuk penjara.. we never learn, do we?
Ummmm, yeah. that's crazy. If they suck, THEY SUCK!! Sigh. Crazy things happen here too. My friend from Korea got arrested for being underage and having a drink in her hand!!! Are you kidding me?? Arrested and she had to spend the night in jail...for what? She wasn't even drinking!! But whatever, people are crazy...
indeed the world is getting crazier now. YES, THEY SUCK LOL. now we have to be SUPER careful of what we do and what we say. sigh. aaww, poor your friend. but she's ok now, right?
You know what the Ministry of Health said about this, right? "I have nothing to do about it and DON'T want to do anything because her case was against private hospital, not government's."
minta di bom ya si ibu mentri?? gila apa! gue emosi abis pas baca i...sumpah busuk abis pemerintahan & law enforcement di Indo.
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