About Me

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Jakarta, Indonesia
1984 . capricorn . easily amused yet moody . proud to be indonesian . procrastinator big time . a nerd, yes i am . family comes first . lucky for having the bestest bestfriends :)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

a little update(s)

HIYAAAAAA! good afternoon minna-saaaaan! how are you all doing?

it's been AGES since the last time i posted. sigh.

i've been back to indonesia for 2 months now. and me doing internship in panasonic for a month. extremely tired but i'm having so much fun here.

well, course i miss neubruecke surprisingly remembering i cursed the city. a lot. LOL

hope i'll post more often now.

aaaahhhhhh i miss everybody!!

catch ya'll later!

2 lovess:

melur said...

argh....ternyata kamu sudah satu bulan interning di siniiii? terlaluuuuu....pantesan liat foto kmu d nikahan melly! gue juga ada d situuuuu tapi ga keburu foto2 trus langsung ke fasty's wedding as well....aiiiiiii kangeeeeen!

Menoedh said...

Dia ngga mau bilang-bilang lagi di jakarta. Soalnya takut dimintain oleh-oleh. true. hehehe..

*sigh* bakalan sering liat foto close up ai di blog deh...


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